Where is my Name Plate

Yes I'm saying it!

By Seema Sharma

In search of my Name-Plate:

Thus, it ends in my Social Media accounts, be it Facebook, WhatsApp or e-mail account. Usually your Name-Plate includes your address, your addressee's meet there with you. Just, it gets extended by it, from targeted to obvious, we say for Guests that they are God, (exception -Lockdown), for we want to share emotions/joy, with/among them, right. Whereas in virtual world there are not just invitees,(on there on will), instead chosen.

This is your friend list, rather say guest list, a virtual world, an advertisement what portrays is to affect just a effected portion neither above nor below your requirement, if you have seen a recent trend where sharing decent photographs with less or no makeup or narrating sad lives was on T.V ads, there is no lacking of such entertainment in my accounts too, I celebrate those meagre things, to which I have empathy, I randomly share WhatsApp jokes, memes and some literature gems to which I'm not an author or authorized, this eventually leaded me to write my own blog, so that I can claim it originally belongs to me, next I may state whose legitimate right lies over it!

I'm grateful for the traffic, here everybody is for some extra income, a few years back I had read facebook doesn't pay for your works or it swallows your (virtual) right, as it's just a medium for propagation. This is a lead for me how much acceptable I could write, it's my job now to propagate my works through all mediums daily I search for how should I promote my blog!

Recently, I added google console option in my blog, this is so engaging that first time, I'm not only excited, I feel down in hopes soon when it is so less viewed by people, I learnt it from one T.V serial a one liner "Buddhi ka bhojan samay hai" a loose translation is "Time is food for mind", as simple this time is the root which energizes our nerves, comparing to brain this hindi word Buddhi will shrink it's capability to ensue it's real place, mind in comparison with Man(рдорди)  will however does not sets well, but, this is not so complicated until we desires for it, if it's not related to my current work than you might miss something, blogging is easy but making it searchable is tough one.!

This is a secondary place where we can meet, first is our mind through words

Yes I'm saying it!

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